Claim the Power of Energy Scanning Step by Step to Tune in Deeper and Get Clients

May 19 – 20, 2024

LIVE on Zoom

Imagine … what can happen when you feel confident …

You will know how to tune into people’s energy fields and know what is happening for them on their entire soul’s path including tuning deeply into their energy field, gifts, blocks, purpose and more to support their GREATEST TRANSFORMATION EVER!!

Registration is Now CLOSED

Does this sound familiar?


You feel ready to claim your intuitive, psychic, and healing gifts, but are still “hiding in the closet,” which stops you from getting out there and using your gifts


You wonder, “can I really do Energy Scanning?”


You aren’t sure if you can make a next-level money breakthrough in your healing and/or coaching business to support yourself and your family in the way that you desire and want an easy “Yes!” path to getting clients


You haven’t used your deeper intuitive/psychic gifts much and feel unsure in how to approach others to use them because you don’t have enough experience in getting results for them


You believe that you are not intuitive or psychic, but the truth is that, if you are honest with yourself, you have always had a deep feeling/knowing about things happening for other people throughout your life


You have made some money in your healing and/or coaching business but it takes a lot of time and effort and you wish to have a simple system you can put in place that would attract new clients to you


Your healing services have been rejected and you’re tired of dealing with objections, feeling like you can’t win. You’re ready to grow your healing and/or coaching business working with clients who are ready to take the next step with you

If you’ve answered, “Yes, that sounds like me,”
to any of these scenarios,

then you are in the right place!

You invited to JOIN US for our Workshop


During this class, you will receive STEP-by-STEP instructions on EXACTLY how to do Energy Scanning, Energy Scan Healing, and how to gain NEW PAID CLIENTS

Yes – you will be mentored by me, Daniel John Hanneman, directly with a small group of healers to learn all that I can share with you that has made a MASSIVE DIFFERENCE for me in doing my healing, coaching, and growing my overall healing business to 6-Figures per year and more!!

You will discover how Energy Scanning can easily provide you with a very reliable and proven system for gaining new paid clients.

Even better … you will know how to bring greater focused healing to resolve “problem areas” for clients, like old wounds that keep your clients from living their life fully. You’ll also discover how to increase your healing potential for each new client to maximize their results.

I always wanted to do the greatest work for my clients possible through my intuitive/psychic gifts and struggled with my confidence when I first started my business. At one point, my desire to make a big impact brought me to my knees, asking Source for an answer.

From this place, I discovered Energy Scanning and how to powerfully transform people’s lives consistently by using the downloaded Energy Scan Technique from Spirit directly.

First – I saw AMAZING RESULTS that blew my mind with knowing exactly what was going on for them (and they were TOTALLY BLOWN AWAY!!)

I was finding blocks that they were not even aware of and would have taken months or even years of talk therapy and inner exploration for them to discover… if they discovered what was blocking them at all!

Do I need to want to do this for a healing business or can I just learn the Energy Scanning itself?    You can attend for the transformation and learning the skills of Energy Scanning alone!!!  You can use these skills to enhance any service-based business you have or in your personal life as well.  Your ability to know anything about others to help them more is invaluable.  Lastly, you will have gained something invaluable in sharpening your intuition and increasing your overall energetic vibrancy through everything given to you for your entire life!!


I was finding blocks that they were not even aware of and would have taken months or even years of talk therapy and inner exploration for them to discover!

You can imagine how that impacted my confidence as an intuitive/psychic, healer, coach and ability to help others.

I had another issue come up and it had to do with knowing how to let clients sign up for their transformation through my services consistently.

I had countless FREE SESSIONS that I gave to others. I always avoided offering more help through my paid services because I was afraid of rejection. I felt I would be a failure if I offered my services and they said, “NO.”

Finally – I could not take another day of undervaluing myself any longer and this helped me SHIFT EVERYTHING to where people started signing up consistently with my new energy, mindset, and heart based strategies.


It was a EUREKA MOMENT where I saw that if I trusted and took a powerful stand for others through offering free 15 minute Energy Scans AND made a clear compelling offer from my heart to get my support in their struggles that people got GREATER TRANSFORMATIONS faster than ever before in the past (including seeing results before their first appointment with me because their first contact was TITANICALLY POWERFUL in itself

Remember – I did STRUGGLE for the longest time with my overall confidence, believing I could do anything real, make a true difference, or even have clients at all.

But I learned so much on my path to my intuitive healing business. My lack of confidence and fear almost crushed me with big financial debt, anger, sadness, frustration, and even thoughts of giving up.

But – I can tell you – if you do the things that I teach you – that you will ABSOLUTELY SUCCEED fast where you may be currently struggling and failing – because you will learn the SECRETS for healers to rock your healing business using Energy Scanning.

Since this time, I have trained people around the world to use Energy Scans to help more people AND generate more income in their businesses!! In some cases, I have taken people from ROCK BOTTOM ZERO to $5,000 to $10,000 or more per month within a matter of months (some in fewer than 30 days)!!

Now you have this chance to finally CLAIM YOUR POWERFUL INTUITIVE, PSYCHIC, AND HEALING GIFTS – and to succeed in massively transforming other people’s lives.


Imagine thriving when you see incredible new levels of prosperity in your life, including making money that you deserve doing your healing work in this lifetime.

The Energy Scan Training™ Helps You:


Understand How To Build Your 1-1 Healing Practice


Understand How Energy Scanning Will Clear Out Energies For All Areas Of Your Life


Build Invincible Confidence As A Healer and/or Coach


Be Supported In A Loving Community With Other Healers Around The Globe


Increase Sales By Thousands of Dollars Per Month


Increase The Capacity Of Transformational Power To Your Healing Work


Increase Your Self-Esteem, Joy, & Knowing You Are Living Your Purpose


Become A Celebrity Due To Power Of Your Intuitive, Psychic, and Healing Gifts


Claim Your Intuitive, Psychic, and Healing Gifts


Attract New Clients FAST


Develop An Unstoppable Method To Consistently Gain New Clients


Add A Minimum Of An Extra 5 to 10 Clients To Your Healing Business Per Month


Discover an easy YES path for people to experience you and want your services


Remove All Your Deepest Doubts About Yourself As An Intuitive/Psychic, Healer, and Coach


Gain Countless New Referrals From Potential and Ongoing Clients


Become Other People’s “Go To Healer or Coach” For Whatever Is Going On For Them

This is a proven opportunity for you to generate clients in your healing, coaching, or intuitive business and finally thrive financially while serving your purpose in the world.

Additionally – especially great for those wanting to greatly accelerate the growth of their healing business now and want to work directly with the one that has directly mentored thousands of healers, coaches, and consultants

Listen to what Dr. Tanya English – your Energy Scan Specialist and Mentor – has to say about our Energy Scan Training™!!

Energy Scans Bring In New Clients!

I recently took Daniel Hanneman’s Intuitive Energy Scan training™, and it was really fantastic!

I already knew that I was an intuitive and was using my skills in my life and business. But taking Daniel’s training took my intuitive abilities to a next level.

Daniel’s training style was warm, inviting, and safe. He is definitely an activator helping others to be in a safe space to help activate and trust in our natural intuitive abilities. We had practice sessions with one another which helped to embody more courage in our abilities. The structure that Daniel used to help us to tune in and trust our intuition was super helpful.

I am providing Intuitive Healing Sessions using the Energy Scan and my clients are able to get wonderful clarity and messages that resonate with what they are currently going through in their life. I feel even more confident in my intuitive abilities and know that as I continue to share this modality in my work, my business will be taken to the next level!

Thank you Daniel!

Bessie Estonactoc

I am delighted to be working with Dan because he has helped me and my business soaring to new levels of success.

I felt as though my business was in a slump. I became very concerned about my finances and business plan. I turned to Dan Hanneman for help.

Dan pinpointed exactly what I needed to do: offer free 15 minute energy scans for people. I sent out an email offering free energy scans to whoever wanted one. Little did I know what a HUGE shift this was going to manifest. Within the first 24-48 hours I was inundated with 80+ emails from people requesting free scans.

When I began doing the scans, people were so excited about the outcomes that they began referring friends, family, and colleagues to me for free scans. The whole project has delightfully snowballed into a valuable offering for my business, drawing in new people and giving me opportunities to let them get to know me and to become my clients or to take advantage of other services that have always been in the back-seat of my business.

Thanks to Dan, my business and I have both shifted dramatically. I am delighted to be working with Dan because he has helped me and my business soaring to new levels of success.

Nedda Wittels

Animal Communicator & Healer, ,

Dates For The Training

Sunday, May 19th 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Central

Monday, May 20th 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Central

You will know you are meant to do this work
and be ready to rock as a “tuned in” intuitive/psychic/healer
and/or coach after this training!

SHIFT from BEING INVISIBLE to INVINCIBLE as a Light Leader with Energy Scans!

I was able to start providing valuable intuitive Energy Scans virtually immediately.

I began the journey of offering my services as a coach and was looking for a way to step out in a big way. Through my interaction with Dan Hanneman and the Energy Scan training™, I learned I had been sweeping my gifts under the rug and was capable of so much more!

When I heard Dan’s strategy to offer intuitive Energy Scans to meet potential clients, I was sold– what a great idea! It was inspiring to realize that I could be offering a service for free (that’s easy), and in the process these potential clients see that I “get them” and they get to know me by experiencing my ability first hand, as well as see an example of how I am able to help them attain their transformation!

I was able to start providing valuable intuitive Energy Scans virtually immediately. Energy Scans have been a powerful experience for me and many that I serve. For those individuals I already knew, I now know them at a much deeper level, for those I just met, it’s a great start to a meaningful relationship and an experience they’ll remember, and for both, they now know that I’m here to assist them on their journey. I’ve also experienced the Energy Scan shift their energy right on the spot– creating a path toward realizing their potential, and their dreams. And for some, I have the pleasure of continuing our relationship through coaching, healing, and supporting them as they claim and realize their transformation! THAT’S what I’m here for! …to inspire people to live their greatest lives!

Jill Borsos

Transformation Coach & Healer,

I went from struggling as a single mom, going month to month in my healing business to increased finances in the first month.

It was a no-brainer to do the Energy Scan Training™. After the weekend, I had calls out of the blue with a lot of interest from people wanting to work with me. It opened up a flood of people. I tripled my clients with Daniel’s help. It was a huge opening and gave me the confidence to act boldly to help people. People were signing up saying, “Here’s my credit card. I know this is right for me.” I went from the last little bit of my money to pay the mortgage and invested in myself with Daniel’s help. In six months time, I went to $10,000 and then shortly after up to $15,000. It was so simple, it was kind of ridiculous. It was a breakthrough for me working with Daniel.

Tammy Hiatt Monaco

I feel like I am coming home to who I am.

My biggest challenge before taking the Energy Scan Training™ was my ability to find my purpose in life. I always knew I was different and could feel and see things others couldn’t, but didn’t know what to do with it, so I buried it. Since taking the Energy Scan Training™, I learned I’m not alone, that I am powerful and can use my gift to help anyone I come into contact with.

I feel more confident in what I can do, not only in healing work, but also in my life. The Energy Scan Training transformed my ability to look deeper and see this gift I used to hide away. I have a sense of purpose and ability to help others transform.

When I shared my new-found understanding of myself with my close friends, they told me they always saw it in me and weren’t the least bit surprised. I was the one who didn’t see what those who care for me did. Now, it’s as if a large boulder has been lifted off my shoulders. I feel like I am coming home to who I am.

Lisa Berman

I have now received 15 clients who bought packages from me.

My biggest challenge was asking for the sale from the client. The Energy Scanning technique gave me a bridge to connect to clients. This increased enrollment in my services significantly. After taking the Energy Scan Training™, I had a system to offer Energy Scans, ask for referrals, offer my services, and have a way to get paid by credit card. I even felt confident in my ability and raised my session costs to clients. I have now received 15 clients who bought packages from me. These people willingly paid my higher fees. The Energy Scan Training™ significantly increased my confidence. It gave me what I needed to take action and use prayer work. I am amazed at how powerful the prayer work is and how clients love it. It’s also a bonus that Dan makes the training fun. This was the course that clicked all I needed into place for me to build my healing business.

Douglas Purcell

I blew by my modest financial goal and am excited to take it to the next level with Dan!

Dan is an incredible healer. I went from hardly any clients to having almost everyone I did an energy scan with saying yes to working with me. I blew by my modest financial goal and am excited to take it to the next level with Dan! He’s not the kind of trainer who will just tell you what you want to hear – he’ll move you through your blocks by naming them and claiming them and then being present while YOU make a deeper choice. I highly recommend Dan – he will help you if you are ready to be helped!

Barret Hedeen

Nicole Isler

Dan has given me the recognition of my gifts, which gave me strength.

My biggest challenge before taking the Energy Scan Training™ Virtual Weekend was the need for a mentor to recognize my intuitive gifts and teach me how to trust that I could use them. Dan has given me the recognition of my gifts, which gave me strength.

Now I feel more centered and able to say what I sense about others and stand my ground. I am able to read people while talking to them and show them their highest potential. Since I am giving them a new perspective, they value my reflection of what I say to them.

I gained confidence in my abilities and am more in tune with my intuition. I am using this confidence in my business right away by offering a training program to my clients, knowing I have the skills I need to get the results I want.”

Miriam Kuhle

Zhineng Amsterdam,,

Learning the energy scan technique gave me an easy and highly effective way to reach out to new clients on a profoundly deep level that has a positive effect for both me and my clients. Thanks Dan!
Vicki Holleman

I am now able to consistently and confidently do energy scans for my clients.

I have always been fascinated about being able to scan someone’s energy body and when Dan offered this training, I jumped at the chance. Before this course I could connect on various levels with my clients, but found that the results could be hit and miss. It just felt like I was missing a few pieces of information. It turned out I was! During the training Dan explained the concepts of energy scanning and went so much deeper into specific techniques to connect to the energy field of another person. I finally had the missing pieces. As a result, I am now able to consistently and confidently do energy scans for my clients. This training has allowed me to up-level my skills as a healer and offer amazingly accurate information to my clients and receive many glowing testimonials from them. Now I am able to offer energy scan sessions as a gateway for clients to work with me in a bigger way.

Laura Warnke

Intuitive Journal,,

I now feel I can finally achieve my financial goals

Thank you Dan for sharing this very effective, systematic, and hugely profitable technique of offering free 15 minute energy scans. It was the missing piece in my practice. I started very not sure of myself, of what I was intuiting, but after a first few, I felt very confident knowing that what I was sharing was very accurate. I loved the feeling of giving first and then seeing if they wanted to follow through in healing what came up. I now feel I can finally achieve my financial goals, and I feel in control of how much I earn as opposed to before where I would helplessly play for clients to come without the action taking I do now! This has been the best investment of my life.

Tarek Bibi

Remember to sign up now – while it is fresh on your mind – and let your inspiration guide you on your final decision today!!!

Invincibility Guarantee & No Refund Policy

We have discovered the most powerful way for you to succeed through all that we share through this weekend and our bonus program is that you stay 100% committed to utilize all that is shared on your behalf.  After you secure your commitment today, you are fully committed and we honor your 100% commitment absolutely. There are NO REFUNDS available and NO TRANSFERS to future events. We are 100 % committed to your own deep commitment to gain everything you are meant to receive through this entire opportunity and guarantee to take an invincible stand for your success!! The TRUTH is that the only way that you become defeated is when you stop and allow the machinations of the mind to take over your life. When you invest fully from the beginning and stay committed, there is no way possible for anything but full benefit of your deepest commitment to become inevitable. We believe in your Infinite Power and Potential to make a deep difference in the world!!

Ready to sign up? Do you still have questions?


If you still have questions about this training event, then please see some of the most frequently asked questions and answers below:

How does this training work?

The training will take place as a virtual event LIVE on Zoom. In addition, during the practice rounds, you will be paired with a partner to practice what you are learning during the training.

Can I really do this work as I doubt my intuitive and psychic ability?

Anyone can do this work who already has any clear sense of intuitive gifts already. What makes you able to do the work is your kindness and compassion for others to notice their potential and have the desire to heal them. If you have an interest in this type of work and want to share it with others, yes, you can do this work as I have found many of my students to get similar testimonails to me.

Can I make money with my healing gifts?

Yes, anyone can make more money with their intuitive and psychic gifts. All you have to do is be willing to take the recomended actions and be willing to ask for people to invest deeply in themselves for the healing and/or coaching that wants to take place.

Have more questions?

Please email our support team at for more help with your questions.